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Marta Castrillo

Marta is the manager of the bodegas – an agricultural engineer with a solid background in economy and business management. Yet she is not just the manager of this enterprise.

César Maté

Born in the heart of the Ribera del Duero, his initial studies in the world of finance could not put an end to his one true passion –oenology.

Manuel del Rincón

Manuel is the manager of the vineyards, always focused on the needs of the plants – studying, observing and experimenting.

Nacho Díez

Nacho is the creative genius of our team. He brings with him a wealth of business experience particularly in the area of agricultural engineering and viticulture. He is responsible for marketing and promotion within our team.

Sergio Arribas

They say that behind every great winemaker there is a great assistant. He is truly Cesar Mate’s right hand man.

Neli y Albert

Capataces de campo, forman el equipo perfecto. En continua comunicación con nuestro director técnico, le transmiten en cada momento el estado del cultivo

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